The award itself speaks for itself, eloquently:
From Allie:
"The rules of the award are:I've got a bit of angst posting this here, as I seem to have these requirements aced.
1. You are rad.
2. You now have an award to represent your radness.
3. Celebrate however you see fit. If it involves bears, awesome."
...And ordinarily, the awards I post on You May Revoke Your Award are posted here because in theory, I haven't bothered to fulfill requirement one. Hence, I feel it necessary to give the giver a back-out option in light of my serene lack of compliance.
Still, what the hell. I hereby decree that going forward, if I get an award that I already live up to, I'll still post it here. Why? Because the fact that I haven't failed to comply doesn't mean the award should be penalized! Omitted, from so august a company of awards. Let's all just say thee nay to that one. This is the lofty gallery where I proudly display such things. So here it goes!
Ooo! Also, a possible loophole in the conditions, to where I do or can fail! Right there on Rule #1. Rad as I may feel now (due to the award, no doubt) I must admit I nevertheless do often fail that rad requirement! I have frequent crises of non-radness.
So much for the ambivalence and conscience-wrangling! So I say: Thank you, Allie! For this rad sort of recognition. And of course, You May Revoke Your Award.