Thursday, January 7, 2010


The "OMG UR TOTALLY RAD! SRLSY" EXTREME award was awarded en masse by Allie at Hyperbole And A Half to everyone who happened to be reading at that exact moment, which I was.

The award itself speaks for itself, eloquently:
From Allie:
"The rules of the award are:

1. You are rad.

2. You now have an award to represent your radness.

3. Celebrate however you see fit. If it involves bears, awesome."
I've got a bit of angst posting this here, as I seem to have these requirements aced.

arial bear

...And ordinarily, the awards I post on You May Revoke Your Award are posted here because in theory, I haven't bothered to fulfill requirement one. Hence, I feel it necessary to give the giver a back-out option in light of my serene lack of compliance.

Still, what the hell. I hereby decree that going forward, if I get an award that I already live up to, I'll still post it here. Why? Because the fact that I haven't failed to comply doesn't mean the award should be penalized! Omitted, from so august a company of awards. Let's all just say thee nay to that one. This is the lofty gallery where I proudly display such things. So here it goes!

Ooo! Also, a possible loophole in the conditions, to where I do or can fail! Right there on Rule #1. Rad as I may feel now (due to the award, no doubt) I must admit I nevertheless do often fail that rad requirement! I have frequent crises of non-radness.

So much for the ambivalence and conscience-wrangling! So I say: Thank you, Allie! For this rad sort of recognition. And of course, You May Revoke Your Award.