And today: 4/14/10, Consider Your Ass Kicked! was awarded my own Honest Scrap Award by Grant at Austin Carnivore.
I type all these links by hand, people. It's a wonder they go anyplace.
Thank you Grant!
The Award:
The Requirements: List 10 Truthful Things about Yourself and Pass the Award on to 6 Others.
10. I weigh greater than 180 pounds!
9. I can eat my own weight in filet mignon, given sufficient funding and an unspecified time period. In fact, I am certain I have done so.
8. I occasionally day-dream working out elaborate science fiction scenarios that are completely boring, if I only took a step back to think about them, and that would not make good movies at all. Nor did the idea of turning one into a movie have anything to do with me working the scenarios out.
7. I have never tried chaw.
6. I have never quit smoking. Not even once!
5. I drink to moderation.
4. I will wear my hat backwards, and it's not because I ever thought it looked cool. There are functional reasons.
5. Sex and me are like old friends.
6. I've got a lot to say on the topic of "rights."
7. Not good at math. Not really.
Grant, I have failed the requirements. Therefore:
You May Revoke Your Award.